Ben Salem United Church of Christ
Ben Salem United Church of Christ
Richard and Cynthia Smith Scholarship Fund
This fund was established to assist high school graduates who are furthering their education. The applicant must be a member in good standing of Ben Salem UCC. The applicant must have graduated from high school and be enrolled as a full time, undergraduate student in an accredited college or technical school to further his/her education. A person may only be a recipient of this scholarship one time but if you have applied in a prior year and not been a recipient of the scholarship, you may apply again. Preference will be given to those who have a financial need, who are loyal to the church, its worship and life, and who have performed community service.
Applications for the Smith Scholarship Fund can be obtained by calling the Church Office at 570-386-3870. Deadline for submission for 2024 has passed. Please check back next year.
Names of 2024 Graduates Needed If you know someone who is graduating this year, please call or email the Church Office. This includes high school and college graduates. Please include graduation date, majors and degree(s). Graduate Recognition Sunday was held on June 16, 2024. Please check back next year.

Penn Northeast Conference Gwilym T. Williams Scholarship If you are a college or graduate student who is preparing for a career either as a/an Ordained Minister, Certified Teacher or Educator, Doctor of Medicine then you may qualify for a scholarship grant from the Gwilym T. Williams Scholarship Fund. For more information, please visit the PNEC website at www.pnec.org to obtain an application form. If you would like to call the conference office the phone number is 610-826-3113.