Ben Salem United Church of Christ
Ben Salem United Church of Christ
Want to help???
We need you!!
Sunday School: Looking for teachers/helpers to join in the fun for the Sunday School. Please see Cliff Snowberger if interested. Thank you.

Altar Guild:
Volunteers Needed! If you would like to serve as a member of the Altar Guild, please call the Church Office at 570-386-3870.
If you or someone you know is going to be in the hospital for surgery, please let the church office know a day or two before the surgery. This way, the Pastor will make every effort to be there to visit and pray with the patient before the surgery.

Funeral Luncheons:
We are in need of volunteers to help at our funeral luncheons. If you would like to be on a call list, please contact the church office. This is a very important service we provide to our members during a very difficult time
Bulletin Sponsorship:
$10.00 per week. Please sign the sheet in the narthex and contact Sue Messina or e-mail her with the information. Payment should be sent directly to Sue. Contact the church 570-386-3870 for contact information for Sue.

Lectors and greeters are needed at both worship services. Please sign up in the narthex.
Altar Flowers:
$35.00 Please sign the sheet in the narthex and contact Nancy Smith. Send payment directly to Nancy Smith. Contact the church office for further information and additional questions 570-386-3870.