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Want to help???

We need you!!


Sunday School: Looking for teachers/helpers to join in the fun for the upcoming Sunday School term beginning September 10th at 9:00. Please see Cliff Snowberger if interested. Thank you.

Communion Cards

The Pastoral Relations Committee has begun the task of reviewing the church rolls so that they accurately reflect the number of active members here at Ben Salem. Page A8 of Ben Salem’s policy manual states that the Financial Secretary shall annually file a report of those who have neither contributed financially to Ben Salem nor communed in the previous year. As such it has been brought to our attention that many people are not using communion cards when we celebrate Holy Communion. We need to have everyone fill out these cards so that we are able to fulfill the administrative obligation placed upon us by Ben Salem’s policy manual. As such communion cards will be available, along with the bulletins beginning on November 6th, and at any additional services during which communion will be served. We would ask that you place your completed communion card in the pew in front of you. These will be collected following the service. Your help in correcting this situation will be greatly appreciated.

Altar Guild: 

 Volunteers Needed! If you would like to serve as a member of the Altar Guild, please call the Church Office at 570-386-3870. 

Bulletin Sponsorship:

 $10.00 per week. Please sign the sheet in the narthex and contact Sue Messina or e-mail her with the information. Payment should be sent directly to Sue. Contact the church 570-386-3870 for contact information for Sue.

Altar Flowers:


 $30.00 Please sign the sheet in the narthex and contact Nancy Smith.   Send payment directly to Nancy Smith. Contact the church office for further information and additional questions 570-386-3870.

Peaceful Knights

The Peaceful Knights group is looking for volunteers! 

If you can help in any way, please contact 610-340-4786 or 


If you or someone you know is going to be in the hospital for surgery, please let the church office know a day or two before the surgery. This way, the Pastor will make every effort to be there to visit and pray with the patient before the surgery.

Funeral Luncheons: 


We are in need of volunteers to help at our funeral luncheons. If you would like to be on a call list, please contact  the church office. This is a very important service we provide to our members during a very difficult time

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