Ben Salem United Church of Christ
Ben Salem United Church of Christ
Email the committee: BenSalemUCCmissions@gmail.com
Current Projects
Next Mission Committee Meeting –
April 28th at 6:30 via Zoom.
The goal of the Allentown Rescue Mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and restore men experiencing homelessness. Since 1900, dedicated employees, volunteers, and donors have worked hard to understand and address the needs of struggling men The Allentown Rescue Mission is a non-denominational, social services organization that provides critically-needed goods and services to men in need regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or religion. The Allentown Rescue Mission is not a church but does cooperate with various churches concerned about poverty and homelessness. They believe that we all deserve a second chance and work to provide hope and renewal to men experiencing homelessness in the Greater Lehigh Valley.
Carbon County Animal Shelter
We will have an ongoing collection for the dogs in need at the Carbon County Animal Shelter. A box to collect donations is located under the mission table.
Carbon County Animal Shelter, 63 Broad Street, Nesquehoning, PA 18240

Child Sponsorship
Cost $360 per child annually
Our two children are 13 year old Chezca Mae Ortillano and 16 year old Jemwel C. Solis. Both children live in the Philippines and attend Dumaguete Kalauman Center for Development. If you are able to help support this very worthy cause, please write “child sponsorship” on your mission envelope. Thank you for your continued support of this ongoing project.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58
Prayer Chain: The Prayer Chain is a way for anyone to request prayer for a specific need…. [or thanksgiving or joy]. To have our Prayer Chain pray for you: Contact Starr Scherer or the Church office at 570-386-3870
Meals Ministry: Do you know someone who is shut-in or recovering from a hospitalization, serious injury or illness, or mourning the loss of a loved one that could benefit from a hot or a frozen meal? Ben Salem has a Meals Ministry Team that can help ease the daily burdens of families or individuals within our church and community by providing ready-to-eat meals. If you would like to volunteer with this ministry or know of someone in need, please contact Karen Hayman or the Church Office.
Called to Care: Trained volunteers from our church are available to assist the Pastor in visiting shut-in or hospitalized church members who are no longer able to attend regular worship services or participate in church functions. If you would like a “Called to Care” volunteer to visit you, please contact the Pastor at the Church Office (570) 386-3870. We are looking for more volunteers for this Committee!
If you are interested in sharing God’s love with shut-in members of our congregation, please contact Pastor Randy.

US Again Clothing Bins located at the Social Hall are open for donations.
Please feel free to donate clothing or shoes that you no longer need